Public Hearing on EU Global Health Strategy

The consultation process for a new EU Global Health Strategy began at the Global Policy Forum and the European Development Days. Everyone in the EU can use this possiblity to share views and contribute to the EU Commissions furture strategy on global health.
Against the background of significant changes in global health and geopolitics since the release of the EU Commission’s Communication on the EU’s role in global health in 2010, the EU Commission recently initiated the development of a new EU Global Health Strategy. The Directorate-General for International Partnerships (INTPA) and Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (SANTE) are working closely on this.
The ambitious goal is to adopt the strategy by end of this year so that it can be taken up in the EU Council next year. In the development process the EU Commission gives the public the possibility to share their views. The public hearing on the EU Global Health Strategy has started on 27 June 2022 and will be open for 12 weeks until 19 September 2022. The public consultation and call for evidence will be complemented with targeted consultations of key stakeholders, particularly representatives of national public authorities in the EU and partner countries, non-governmental organisations, academia, industry, health-related professional associations, patient associations and intergovernmental organisations, and evidence from other reliable sources.
The final objective is to have a focused, concrete and impactful strategy that responds to the current challenges and strengthens the EU leadership in global health. The aim to focus implies not including all aspects of global health, but prioritization instead of comprehensiveness – which can be challenging considering the many relevant global health issues.
Participate in the public hearing process, fill the online questionnaire and share your views on what the global health strategy should include! Use this opportunity to contribute to a focused global health strategy!
Participate in the public hearing process
Statement -- Towards a new EU Global Health Strategy (
EU Commission’s Communication on the EU’s role in global health