Connecting Planetary Health Advocates – Stakeholder Mapping on Community Theme 2023

Since January 2023, the Hub Communities have been working together to jointly advance Planetary Health. One of the key results of the collaboration is to connect planetary health stakeholders through a stakeholder map – and you can still be part of it!
Breaking silos in Planetary Health
Health and climate change are inextricably linked but are far too often thought of in silos - yet these areas need to be addressed across sectors and stakeholders to achieve positive change. That is why the 12 Hub Communities have decided to put "Planetary Health" even more clearly on the agenda and to work on it as an annual Community Theme in 2023. The "Climate Change & Health" Community is leading a collaborative effort to create an interactive stakeholder map, publicly showcasing how Hub members are tackling climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation's impact on human health. The goal? To build a dynamic online platform highlighting the diverse Hub Community, promoting cooperation and networking across disciplines.
Access the Stakeholder Map
How to contribute?
All members of the Hub are invited to complete a short questionnaire to contribute to this initiative and have their organisation featured on the stakeholder map. If you are interested, please complete the questionnaire below and send it to the Hub Management Team.
Complete the questionaire
The efforts of the Communities on Planetary Health do not stop here; work on the annual Community theme will continue. Members will create a Planetary Health Working Group to develop a call for action under the leadership of Timo Falkenberg and Klaus Geiselhart to be presented at the Global Health Talk in June 2024. If you would like to get involved, please contact Merle Wangerin.