The Steering Committee as the Governing Body of the Hub

The Steering Committee is responsible for strategic planning, future development and content-related coordination. The tasks of the steering committee members include: 


  • Three steering committee meetings per year to discuss current developments, agenda prioritization, work strategy, and topics of interest. 

  • Active contribution of expert knowledge on developments and trends in global health 

  • Participating in strategic coordination and decision-making 

  • Facilitating or participating in Hub events and presenting the Hub at external events and committees 

  • Providing support to the Hub office 

All Stakeholder Groups are Represented Equally

The steering committee is elected by the members of the Hub and has an equal gender representation. It is composed of 16 voting members, two representing each of the eight stakeholder groups: International Organizations, Youth, Political realm, Foundations, Think Tanks, the Private Sector, Academia, and Civil Society. 

In addition, the steering committee has additional non-voting advisory members: the president of the World Health Summit, the head of the networking platform "Research for Global Health" (GLOHRA), and representatives of the German government (BMG, BMZ, BMBF, AA, BMUV, and BMEL).  

The steering committee is led by two co-chairs. The co-chairs are elected by those members eligible to vote of the steering committee. They represent the Global Health Hub Germany externally and are the steering committee's spokespeople. The current steering committee is co-chaired by Sophie Gepp (Centre for Planetary Health Policy - CPHP) of the stakeholder group Think Tanks and Markus Beck (Gavi - The Vaccine Alliance) of the stakeholder group International Organisations. 

Every Two Years, the Steering Committee is Newly Elected

With the exception of governmental members and secondary administrations, all members are eligible to vote within the Hub and have two votes each within their stakeholder group - one vote for a woman and one vote for a man.  A different process is in place for the stakeholder group political realm. This stakeholder group is elected via the members of the subcomittee Global Health of the parliament. 

The Members of the Current Steering Committee

Based on the election results of 25 June 2024, the steering committee will be consisting of the following members from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2026: 


  • Prof. Dr. Eva Johanna Kantelhardt, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle 

  • Dr. Michael Galatsch – Züricher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW)

Civil Society:  

  • Fiona Uellendahl, World Vision Deutschland e.V. 

  • Christian Julian Griebenow, Tierärzte ohne Grenzen e.V. 

International Organisations/ Experts   

  • Dr. Julia Fitzner, World Health Organization 

  • Markus Beck, Gavi - The Vaccine Alliance


  • Jennifer Hart, Wellcome Trust 

  • Tobias Kahler, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 


  • Susanne Hierl (CDU/CSU) 

  • Ottmar von Holtz (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)

Private Sector:  

  • ​Rajani Sabanantham - German Health Alliance ​

  • Alois Dörlemann - Health Focus GmbH

Think Tanks:   

  • ​Sophie Gepp - Centre for Planetary Health Policy

  • Dr. Christoph Benn, Joep Lange Institute 


  • Lena Eilers - Globalisation and Health Initiative der Bundesvertretung der Medizinstudierenden in Deutschland ​

  • Malte Radde - Universities Allied for Essential Medicines Europe e.V.





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