Hub Communities: Developing solutions for global health challenges together

Do you know of a topic that is relevant to global health and on which you would like to exchange ideas with other stakeholders and work in a result-oriented manner? Then join forces with other Hub members and form your own Hub Community. Or simply become part of an existing Hub Community.

The topic choice is up to you. You advance your ideas and organise yourselves independently. In the process, you will benefit from the knowledge transfer within Hub Communities and have the chance to make your own work visible within the Hub. Your work will not only be recognized within the Global Health Hub Germany: The Hub-Managementteam ensures that relevant results and products are communicated to policy-makers and the specialist public, ensuring they impact political debates.

The goals of our Hub Communities:

  • Provide space for dialogue among stakeholder groups and sectors
  • Identify problems and develop solutions together
  • Make expert knowledge available and recognized within and outside of the Hub
  • Promote the free flow of knowledge and build a shared knowledge base
  • Curate subject-specific information for other network members, policy-makers, and the specialist public

A prerequisite for successful Hub Communities is that our members participate actively and regularly. Follow this link for more information on our Hub Communities.

Platform of our Hub Communities: The Collaboration Space

Join the virtual exchange of our Hub Communities as a member of the Global Health Hub Germany via our Collaboration Space! The Hub Communities use the Collaboration Space to network and collaborate. If you are a member of a Hub Community but do not yet have access to the Collaboration Space, register here:


If you have any further questions, please contact our Hub Management Team (

Community Managers:

  • Ali Yildiz - Abbott Rapid Diagnostics Germany GmbH
  • Dr Aurélia Souares - Heidelberg Institute of Global Health

The Hub Community on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) focuses on antibiotic resistance as a “silent pandemic” responsible for claiming millions of deaths every year. The Hub Community offers a platform for exchanging ideas and discussing proposed solutions for policy makers.

Working language: English

Community Managers:

  • Dr Klaus Geiselhart - University of Erlangen-Nuernberg
  • Donald Sandmann - Healthy Planet - Healthy People
  • Jennyfer Wolf - World Health Organization

The Hub Community on Climate Change and Health studies the relationship between climate change and health. It is based on the premise that Germany must live up to its international responsibility and immediately bring about emission savings and promote adaptation measures worldwide.

Working language: English

Interactive Planetary Health Stakeholder Map 

Community Managers:

  • Patricia Kramarz - Save the Children
  • Dr. Michael Galatsch - Zurich University of Applied Sciences
  • Marie Charlotte Pohl - The G4 Alliance

The interprofessional Hub Community on Global Child Health is committed to improving the quality of preventive and curative pediatric care in countries with limited resources.

Working language: English

Community Managers: 

  • Dr Sonu M. M. Bhaskar - NSW Brain Clot Bank, Department of Neurology, Liverpool Hospital and South Western Sydney Local Health District
  • Dr Henna Riemenschneider - Technical University Dresden, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus 

The unfolding humanitarian crisis caused by the Russian attack on Ukraine has brought forth the plight of refugee and migrant health and the need for a streamlined approach within and beyond Europe. The purpose of the Hub Community on Global Health & Migration is to act as a catalyst for chance, research, evidence-based policy design and advocacy for refugees and migrants.

Working language: English

Community Paper: Some people need to leave or flee their home.

Community Manager:

  • Prof. Dr Michael Wirsching - Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Centre for Medicine and Society
  • Dr Jinan Abi Jumaa - Charité University Hospital Berlin
  • Dr Solveig Kemna - Charité Berlin

No Health Without Mental Health. - The Hub Community on Global Mental Health focuses on strengthening the equality and complementarity of biomedical and psychosocial concepts in care, prevention, research, teaching, resource allocation and policy.

Working language: German

Community Paper: Policy Brief: Covid-19 und mentale Gesundheit (only available in German)

Community Managers:

  • Dr Timo Falkenberg - University of Bonn, GeoHealth Centre
  • Dr Dennis Schmiege - University of Essen

The Hub Community on Global Urban Health focuses on the complex interplay of urban living conditions with their diverse risk factors. The Hub Community takes an interdisciplinary approach and encourages cross-sectoral activities.

Working language: German

Community Managers:

  • Marrium Habib  - Center for Global Health,Technical University of Munich
  • Marionka Pohl - Save the Children International

The Hub Community on Global Women’s Health is dedicated to promoting and sharing knowledge and experiences on the topic of improving the health outcomes of women around the world.

Working language: English

Community Managers:

  • Karl-Josef Bohrer - Siemens Healthineers GmbH
  • Caroline Baltzer - Charité
  • Dr. Tessa Lennemann - GIZ
  • Tarik Bolat - Novo Nordisk

The Hub Community on Global Digital Health focuses on the implementation of information and communication technology (ICT) in global health - from the much-based healthcare ICT, eHealth and wearable devices up to sophisticated medical sensors.

Working language: English

Community Managers:

  • Prof. Dr. Axel Kroeger - Albert-Ludwig-University Freiburg, Centre for Medicine and Society
  • Tatiana Rivera - Albert Ludwig-University Freiburg, Centre for Medicine and Society

The Hub Community on Epidemic Preparedness and Response includes scientists, national program managers from endemic countries, and current/potential donors of outbreak related research. Its primary aim is to help improve outbreak response and warning systems across the world.

Working language: English

Community Paper: Policy Brief | Innovation und Zusammenarbeit: Das EWARS-Rahmenprogramm für Infektionskrankheiten (only available in German)

Community Managers: 

  • Prof. Dr Dr Andrea Winkler - Centre for Global Health, Faculty of Medicine, Technical University Munich
  • Prof. Dr Stefanie Klug - Centre for Global Health, Faculty of Medicine, Technical University Munich
  • Laura Roth - Center for Global Health, Faculty of Medicine, Technical University Munich 

Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of the death worldwide. Nonetheless, the prevention and control of NCDs receives too little attention. The Hub Community on NCD, founded in partnership with the Centre for Global Health – Technical University Munich, aims to stipulate change in this area.

Working language: English

Community Managers:

  • Maik Damm - Institute for Chemistry, TU Berlin
  • Dr Ulrich Kuch - Department of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
  • Martin Biener - Snake-Bite e.V.

The interdisciplinary and intersectoral Hub Community on snakebite envenoming unites German expertise on snakebite envenoming and invites all interested parties to form partnerships and cooperate on projects.

Working language: German

Community Managers:

  • Dr. Emil Iftekhar - Robert-Koch-Institut / WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence 
  • Janika Schmitt - Institute for Progress

With new, destabilizing pandemics on the horizon, a layered and holistic approach to prevention is urgently needed. This includes strengthening health systems, biosafety, biosecurity, and One Health. The Community on Pandemic Prevention and Biosecurity wants to raise awareness for these topics, highlight their interfaces, connect the various actors and develop policy suggestions for relevant stakeholders in Germany. Through the connection of these elements, the Community members aim to achieve sustainable change towards successful pandemic prevention. 

Working language: English 

Your contact

Hub Management Team
Global Health Hub Germany Logo