New Community Policy Brief on Climate Change & Mental Health

06. June 2024 I  News ,  Mental Health  I by : Hub Community on Global Mental Health
[Translate to English:]

Understanding and addressing the climate crisis as a crisis of mental health requires transdisciplinary thinking and collaboration at all levels. The new Policy Brief from our Hub Community on Global Mental Health provides examples of good practices and recommendations that can guide the implementation of actions to address the mental health impacts of climate change.

New Policy Brief on Climate Change and Mental Health

In February 2024, the Sub-committee on Global Health of the German Bundestag met to discuss the „Impact of the Climate Crisis on Mental Health“. The members of the Hub Community on Global Mental Health provided a statement on this topic in German language in advance of the Sub-committee meeting following discussions with Hub Community members and a review of scientific literature as well as so called “grey literature”. This served to identify existing guidelines and examples of good practices from around the world. To reach a wider audience the statement was translated into English and discussed with representatives of the German Federal Government, with distinguished researchers outside the Global Health Hub Germany, and with members from various Hub Communities. Our Hub Communities include key stakeholders across the fields of academia, clinical practice, civil society, and the private sector in Germany and therefore hold a unique and multifaceted perspective on the Global Health landscape in Germany. This new policy brief is a reflection of this discours.

Read the policy brief on Climate Change and Mental Health

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