You Have Voted: This is Our New Steering Committee 2024 to 2026
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For the third time since the founding of the Global Health Hub Germany in 2019, our members have elected the representatives of their stakeholder group for the steering committee.
Voter Turnout: Overview
The Steering Committee is responsible for the strategic planning, future development and content coordination of the Hub. The duties of the Steering Committee members include three Steering Committee meetings per year to discuss current developments, agenda prioritisation, work strategy and topics of interest. It consists of 16 voting members, two representing each of the eight stakeholder groups: Academia, Civil Society, Foundations, International Organizations/Experts, Political Spehere, Private Sector, Think Tanks and Youth. All members of the Hub were eligible to vote. Each eligible voter had two votes to cast within their own stakeholder group - one vote for a female candidate and one vote for a male candidate.
Of the 1,696 eligible Hub members, 12.3% exercised their right to vote, casting their ballots via the POLYAS online voting platform from June 3 to June 16, 2024. The highest voter turnout was approximately 19% in the youth stakeholder group. The lowest turnout was 9.6% in the stakeholder group private sector.
The Winner of the Election
A total of 33 candidates from the eight stakeholder groups were nominated for the election. Below are the candidates with the most votes who will receive a seat in the new Steering Committee:
Prof. Dr. Eva Johanna Kantelhardt, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle
Dr. Michael Galatsch – Züricher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW)
Civil Society:
Fiona Uellendahl, World Vision Deutschland e.V.
Christian Julian Griebenow, Tierärzte ohne Grenzen e.V.
International Organisationens/ Experts
Dr. Julia Fitzner, World Health Organization
Markus Beck, Gavi - The Vaccine Alliance
Jennifer Hart, Wellcome Trust
Tobias Kahler, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Political Sphere
Susanne Hierl (CDU/CSU)
Ottmar von Holtz (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
Private Sector:
Rajani Sabanantham - German Health Alliance
Alois Dörlemann - Health Focus GmbH
Think Tanks:
Sophie Gepp - Centre for Planetary Health Policy
Dr. Christoph Benn, Joep Lange Institute
Lena Eilers - Globalisation and Health Initiative der Bundesvertretung der Medizinstudierenden in Deutschland
Malte Radde - Universities Allied for Essential Medicines Europe e.V.
Almost half of the elected members are representatives of the new steering committee.
8 of the 16 elected steering Committee members were already members of the previous steering committee, including Dr. Christoph Benn, Dr. Julia Fitzner, Sophie Gepp, Christian Griebenow, Jennifer Hart, Tobias Kahler, Prof. Dr. Eva Kantelhardt and Fiona Uellendahl.
The new steering committee will officially begin its duties on 1 July 2024
The newly elected Steering Committee will meet for the first time at the end of June for onboarding and a virtual meet-and-greet. The first official meeting of the new Steering Committee will take place on 3 July 2024, in the German Bundestag.
If you'd like to get in touch with the representatives of your stakeholder group, you can find your group on our Hub Collaboration Space.